How to Choose Private Label Coffee Capsules for your Business

It’s an exciting time to join the coffee capsule market! At the beginning of this year the coffee capsule or pod industry by itself was valued at over $25 billion, and is predicted to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7% between now and 2027!
The problem is, it’s not entirely straightforward what exactly makes one coffee capsule type better than any other. That’s why we’re here. If there is a time to look into choosing reliable private label coffee capsules, it would be now. Keep reading to see what factors are important to consider when choosing coffee capsules for your blend.
They are Compatible with Major Coffee Machines
In order for your company to make your coffee product accessible to as wide a market as possible, your coffee capsules will need to be compatible with all of the major coffee capsule brands. These brands mainly include
- Nespresso
- Nescafé Dolce Gusto (partners with Nespresso)
- Keurig (K-cups)
You may have noticed that not all coffee capsules are the same size. For example, Nespresso has currently several different-sized Vertuo capsules: 1.38oz, 2.7oz, 5oz, and 7.7oz. And when Nespresso first came out with their coffee pods, their original pod was longer and thinner instead of a half-circle.
The three large name coffee machine makers we’ve listed, not only because they are very popular in this market but because they all accept specifically sized coffee capsules.
It’s important that your coffee capsules fit as many brands as possible, especially Keurig because most other coffee capsule machines will accept K-cups that are compatible with Keurig 1.0 and 2.0 machines.
Thankfully, if you find reliable coffee capsule manufacturers, you won’t have to worry about the dimensions of your capsules at all!
They are Made with Food Grade Materials
We know this should be an obvious statement but not every coffee capsule manufacturer has the best interests of the consumer at heart. The goal can instead be to use the cheapest materials available, which can be dangerous.
Most coffee capsules on the market are made with Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT) and aluminum foil lids. These are food-safe materials. It’s essential that if you choose to use plastic that is BPA-free. In other words, a non-polycarbonate plastic.
Did you know that not all capsules are made with plastic? There are other food-grade materials. Other common choices include:
- Aluminum
- Coffee filters
- Ingeo plastic
This factor should be regarded with careful consideration. Why? Because the material doesn’t only affect the machines, it affects the taste of your coffee. Aluminum in one of the best in preserving taste, making the coffee well-bodied and well-pronounced in flavor.
They are Biodegradable
In addition to making sure your coffee capsules are food grade so that the coffee remains safe for consumption, you should also make biodegradable coffee capsules a high priority.
Ever since coffee capsules were invented, it wasn’t long before concerned citizens noticed how many small plastic cups they were throwing away in their kitchen garbage cans each week, each month, and each year.
Several college campuses made projects where volunteers would throw their used K-cups into a wire cage over a set period of time to see how many plastic cups they were throwing away without realizing.
Reportedly, more than 2.5 billion single-use cups are disposed of each year around the world, or 5000 per minute. This is very important for your company because most of your market these days are very self-conscious about what they throw away. Open your market ahead of your competitors by opting for biodegradable private label coffee capsules.
Biodegradable and compostable materials include,
- Bioplastics (ex: PHA, PLA, PHB, PVA, etc.)
- Plant-based filters
If biodegradable materials aren’t an option, settle for recyclable materials such as aluminum. Aluminum is even better than plastics because it’s infinitely recyclable whereas plastics are not.
They are Sealed Consistently for Freshness
Freshness is considerably important when choosing a coffee capsule manufacturer for your own pods. Ground coffee only stays good for 3-5 months if it’s left in the open, and since capsules may go at least 3 months before being purchased and consumed, maintained freshness is vital.
Aluminum capsules will preserve the subtle flavor notes and body much better than plastic because it’s much easier to seal and prevent the coffee from becoming stale better.
They Must be Easy to Use
As one of the first things, 64% of Americans see every morning when they are half-awake and often testy, your capsules should be easy to use.
Your capsules should not look like Russian nesting dolls with unnecessary double packaging that takes precious time away from getting the capsule into the machine.
You can help your customers avoid mistakes like accidentally reusing the same pod by making sure the lid clearly shows the puncture.
They are Customizable
One of the greatest things about private label coffee capsules is that they can be fully customizable to your brand.
We can’t speak for everyone, but here at Novocapsule, not only do we offer a wide variety of colors to catch the eye of any coffee capsule critic, but we also offer printed capsules so that you can apply your logo and make them truly yours. You can customize coffee capsules in many other ways as well.
Whatever your brand, whatever your design, we can apply it to your capsules with precision and professional quality. Most brands have may have 5 or 6 colors, we offer 11 as well as the printed, making it easy to create easily distinguishable coffee blends.
After finishing the exciting but extensive and grueling process of establishing your coffee blends, it’s just as important that you choose the right capsule to put it in, so consider all of the factors above carefully. Be sure to be the first to sample your own blend from your chosen capsule to see if you would buy your own product.
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What’s the difference between plastic and metal coffee pods? – Perfect Daily Grind
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